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Meet The Ministerial Team

And whosoever of you will be the chiefest, shall be servant of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:44-45)

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Samantha Roberts

Serves as Administrative Assistant to the Senior Pastor. Loves to spend time with her grandchildren.

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Sherrie Simmons

Serves as Director of Church Administration and Co-Director of The Remnant Young Adult Ministry. She enjoys spending time with her husband, gardening and trying new recipes.

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Wilhemena Scott

Serves as the Chairperson of the Deaconess Board. Loves spending quiet time with the Lord and caring for the elderly.

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Wanda Mells

Serves as on the Outreach team. Loves to eat healthy fruit and vegetables and studying God's word.

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Annie Mae Ferguson

In Memoriam

Deaconess Annie Ferguson was a pillar of the True Light Church. Her melodious voice and godly example will always be remembered. She is forever loved and cherished by the True Light Saints.

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Warren Godfrey

Serves as the Chairman of the Deacons' Board. Loves going on dates with his wife and helping people in need.


Eugene Phoenix

Serves as the Senior Deacon and as a member of the Executive Board. He loves to worship God through song and enjoys reading and studying God's Word.

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Freddie Parker
1954 - 2022

In Memoriam

Deacon Freddie Parker served as a Deacon for many years. He enjoyed fishing and leading praise and worship. He was a true defender of  the church. His memory is forever cherished.


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Alphonso Roberts

Wears many hats at True Light Church. He is a member of the Executive Board, serves on the Operations Team and is the Director of Community Connections for the Outreach Team. He loves to garden and write poetry.

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Benjamin Simmons

Serves as the Co-Director of the Remnant Young Adult Ministry and is the Facilities Manager for the church. He enjoys singing praise and worship and going on romantic dates with his wife.

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Ernestine Brown

Serves as Associate Pastor of Congregational Care. She is a member of the Executive Board and the Outreach Team. She enjoys gardening and spending quality time in prayer with the Lord.

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Ann Brown

Serves as the Chairperson of the Elders' Board. She enjoys staying up to date on current events and spending time with her children and grandchildren. 

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